
How can i find out what phone company my sister uses her phone got shut off for non payment a week ago i want

by  |  earlier

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i want to pay the bill for her but cant ask her cuz she has no phone service




  1. For a resident phone line. Pick up her phone and dial "0" for the operator to see if they can help. Even phones with no service still have access to the operator and 911. (Don't call 911, even though the phone companys billing number pops up instantly on thier screens.) I work in 911, thats how I know.

    You can also check with the phone companies that service that town (or area). Start with the big ones, like Verizon, and give them the telephone number, see if they have it on thier customer list. I'm sure once they find out that you want to pay a bill they will be a bit more helpful (as they want thier money).

    There are other companys, like Comcast, which carry the telephone service along with the cable, in one bill. So, if her cable is out, too, give them a try, if she is one of their customers.

    She may have a VOIP (voice over internet protocol), like Vonage, and that would be much tougher to track down, as there are many companies.

    Trying to figure it out without a statement is a lot of work, maybe you could just get her to tell you the name of it, try to slip it in the conversation, it might be easier in the long run. Sometimes when you call the number that has been disconnected, the recording will tell you, such as "the comcast subscriber you are trying to reach.....". You might get lucky there.

    Your a nice sister, by the way.

  2. usually the phone number itself will tell you, where I live 366=verizon, 239=sprint, and so forth

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