
How can i find some one i havent seen in 30 years for free?

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i know his full name bitrhday year place of birthplace.lastplace seen state




  1. Well, "prayerw" it seems you have the most important info to begin the search.

    There are many "free" resources available online, which can be effective. However, they only let you "search", but will not give you the full results.

    Some of the most reliable sites are:

    These are by no means the only "free" resources available.

    You need to combine the results from the free resources to attempt to locate a person.


    1. Don't start calling everyone with the same name of the person you are looking for, or else you will end up making the phone company richer than what it already is.

    2. Take a 5 minutes break for every 15 minutes of search. Searching as presented above can be quite "stressing", and it often leads to sudden unwanted mood swings.

    3. Beware: There are many sites that offer PEOPLE FINDING TOOLS, and charge up to US$50.00 for them. In most cases, those "tools" frequently are resources you can find for free using Yahoo Search (and often those "tools" send you to sites where you also have to pay to use them).

  2. Try Craigslist missed connections, if you know what city they are from.

  3. In the UK, we have a site called, which will give you listed phone numbers.  Anything like that in the US?

    You could try asking on Friends Reunited or YA Travel, sub-section USA, to see if anyone on the spot can assist.

    I've also found people in the UK by sending a "Where are you now"? letter to the Readers' Letters column of the Town newspaper where people were last known to have lived.

  4. You could try its a brilliant site.

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