
How can i find the owner of a license plate that my boyfriend picks me up in??

by  |  earlier

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How can i find the owner of a license plate that my boyfriend picks me up in??




  1. You can't, it's restricted information under Federal laws.  Drivers Privacy Protection Act

    18 U.S.C. § 2721 et. seq.

    (Public Law 103-322)

    However, if he's your boyfriend, try this.  Next time he picks you up, smile and say "Hon, whose car is this anyway?"

    He will either:  Tell you.  Not tell you.  Ask why you want to know.

  2. its his other girlfriend

  3. You don't. That's privite information. The DMV will only release it under certain cituations such as if you could show them an accident occured and were intitled to this information.

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