
How can i find the square metres of a room 14ft by9ft?

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my room measures 13ft6inch by 8ft2inch how do i find the square metre of this.




  1. Try this website. It's the best for your needs of measuring.  

  2. Take the measurements you have to the flooring retailer.  He'll convert for you.

  3. 14ft = 4.2672 metres

    9ft   = 2.7432 metres

    1ft = 0.3048 metres

  4. I don't agree wih Simon, because he has not taken the given measurements into consideration. Get your tape measure and take it to 13. 6" and do the same for the 8ft 2" measurement, and the compare this with the metric measurement. Then go, LENGTH X BREATH X HEIGHT, the problem here is that you have not given us the height.  So Here is your answer, 14 x 9 = 126 square mertres

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