
How can i finish my study if my parents have no job and also me?you think i can find a job?i am undergraduet?

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some parents are not interested to learn more and give a chances him or her child to proved there I.Q?some of them they want to finish the study?




  1. "if there is a will there is a way". Dont rely on your parents, find some scholarship offered in some colleges. If you have a dream go for it.. try harder and study well. If you think you have high I.Q, then used it. think what is the best for you and how can you achieved your dream without relying to others. Attitude and skills is the key to success. Goodluck

  2. Is English your second language?  Your studies will go better if you turn in your papers AFTER using the spell checker.

    Find a job that will work around your study hours.

    Buen suerte

  3. dude what you gotta do is getta scholarship,cant help about the parents even mine dont have a proper job they work as when the need arises ! am planning my whole future on scholarships but for that you gotta study really really hard isnt a bed of roses maybe you can try for some part time jobs. It isnt that there arent oppurtunities its just that people are lazy to take them up !!

  4. Firstly, improve your language (and other) skills and then try for a job.  Do not attempt to "prove" your IQ, prove your worth.

  5. 1) learn to Spell

    2) Get a job

    3) Move out of home

    4) yes!

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