
How can i fix a pretty large adam's apple?

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Im 16 and I have a fairly big adam's apple and it protrudes a lot. I get told I have a big one and I feel embarrassed and humiliated whenever someone points it out. I fe Even younger kids, who tell the truth all the time laugh at it and say how big it is. I'm also pretty skinny and I was wondering if I gain weight if that will help. I need answers and suggestions and please don't say wear a turtle neck.




  1. Oh my gosh dont do anything. I love a man with an adams apple that sticks out a lot. Its like one of the sexiest things to me. <33

  2. Well, gaining weight might help a bit, (girls adam apples are less noticable cause they have more fat in their necks) but I dunno if it'll fix it, but theres worse things you could have.

    I hope it gets better for ya'!

  3. I really hate to break it to ya but there is no way to fix it. just ignore stupid comments.

  4. i dunno

    answer mine!;...

  5. dude i have the same problem!!!!!! don't worry though the size of your adams apple i s affcted by the amount of testosterone in your body

    so just think of it this way you are more of a man than someone with a tiny adams apple

    as far as i know there isnt really a practical way to fix it over time as u gain wheight it will start to look smaller but other wise there int really a practical way

  6. You are just 16:your face and neck are going to size up to your Adams apple in no time when you mature

    Ignore idiot remarks.


  7. There isn't anything you can do about it.  I guess if you gained a lot of weight and had a double chin it wouldn't show, but which one would you prefer?  Being fat or having a slightly large  adam's apple.  Don't worry.  Everyone has imperfections.

  8. Personally, I would not try to have something like that fixed, because it is the type of thing you cant undo, and it may end up looking and feeling a lot worse.

  9. gaining weight will cover up some of the apple. however, check with a doctor to see if you don't have any iodine problems. lack or insuffecient amount of iodine results in enlarged adam's aples.

  10. That's just the way it is. Some people have big ones, other people have little ones. You can do some neck strengthening exercises to build some muscle bulk, or you can have plastic surgery to remove some of the cartilage that makes up the Adam's apple. Those would be about the only two options, even though they are not simple ones.

  11. plastic surgery or gain wight

  12. If you gain an extensive amount of weight, people may make fun of you for that (not to be rude). I really just think you shouldn't let it get to you. Remember the positive compliments, forget the negative remarks.  

  13. sorry, I dont htink that there is any way you can minimize it!! lol, answer mine?-;...

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