
How can i fix how long it takes for my polaroid i634 digital camera to take pictures without flash?

by  |  earlier

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the pictures i take outside are always good but, the ones indoors are terrible. sometimes i don't even need a flash but, i have to use one so the picture will be quicker to take. if i don't use flash, it will take forever to take and it will turn out bad and looked like i shook it while it was taking. anyone know how to fix this? i'm tired of using q mode or whatever it is called.

and, don't mention "oh you was stupid in the first place for buying a polaroid."

this is my first digital camera. i didn't know much about them. i just bought it because it was polaroid and i used to consider them as a really good camera company. so i thought it would be a really good camera. i'll get a new one later but, right now i wanna be able to use this one whenever.




  1. All little  P&S cameras like yours have problems with low light and lack of control. There is a reason why professionals have to lug around huge DSLR's, right?

    The only way to speed up your shutterspeed in low light without using a flash is to increase the ISO (which will cause more noise in your photos) and use a bigger aperture (smaller number). Since you probably don't have any manual control over your aperture, you could try portrait mode (which tends to use larger apertures).

    Most importantly: get a tripod, or even just a little beanbag to put on a flat surface, and use the self timer on your camera. That way, you'll still get motion blur (if something is moving and the shutter speed is way slow), but at least you won't add camera shake to the problem, as well.

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