
How can i fix my low disk space, ive deleted everything i dont need, so how do i get more room??

by  |  earlier

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can i buy anything that can add more room to my computer

my computer keeps coming up with a message saying i have low disc space, i delete all my temporary internet files, my recycle bin and all these other little things..

i also have deleted programs i dont use from my computer.

i cannot delete anything else without deleting things i ACTUALLY use!!!




  1. Remove all  temp files, right click on drive and choose properties and slect disk cleanup option.  

  2. Here's your problem: "and all these other little things."  The stuff you're deleting is tiny in comparison with the actual FILES on your system.

    Best recommendation is an external harddrive.  You can pick up a 500gigabyte drive for under $100 these days; a 250gb for fifty or so.  This will provide ample storage for your data, as well as allow you to back up files in case one source is compromised (i.e. your computer spontaneously combusts).  Go with Western Digital or LaCie; they're the best for what you'll be using them for. has some decent deals.

    Other possibilities are a flash drive (can pick up an 8gb for about $30, or less if you're a savvy shopper), but this will provide a very limited amount of space.  Or you can install a new/second harddrive in your computer, but unless you know what you're doing or know someone who does, this might prove difficult for you.


  3. you need an extra storage, try adding another harddisk as slave. or work with technology buy yourself and external storage drive which you can even carry!! try seagate 160GB USB drive i use that and im happy itz worth and quality too

  4. Music and movies consume a lot of space i suggest you burn it to a DVD then delete it from your computer, the other option will be to buy another hard drive and connect it as a slave on your computer,  

  5. Yes! You can either buy another internal hard drive, or you can buy an external hard drive that will connect to one of your USB ports. External hard drives are slower, however, so I recommend an internal hard drive. You can find great deals if you look online ( or by just checking the Sunday ads in stores such as Best Buy or Office Depot.

    Also, if you do get an internal hard drive, do not forget to set it as a slave. This will allow it to be recognized by the computer as just more storage, and not the main hard drive to boot off of. This can be done by setting the jumpers correctly. (The instructions that come with the hard drive will explain how to do this. It is VERY easy.)

    EDIT: If you are not computer savvy, than I suggest using an external hard drive. But if you know somebody that is computer savvy, an internal hard drive will give you much better performance, will save you space, and you will not have to worry about it again.

  6. It's very easy to add another hard drive to your computer, if it's a normal desktop PC. Also, cheap.

    You can get external hard drives that connect to your computer via USB or eSATA. Again cheap and possibly the best and easiest for you to quickly add more hard drive storage space.

    I would go for an internal hard drive as they are cheaper and better, in the long run.

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