
How can i fix my sleeping problem?

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I cant fall asleep til about 3 every night and I get into bed early. i wake up a lot and I always feel extremely tired. I'm really stressed out right now and my sleep is suffering. what can i do short of pills for this?




  1. See to it that you get enough exercise.  If you do not get enough physical activity during the course of your regular day, try to get in about an hour of some kind of activity.

    Try to avoid caffeine and other substances that might keep you awake in the evening.

    Try to unwind for about an hour before going to bed by resting or by reading.

  2. omg i have the exact same problem i am up all night i havent slept at all lol it sucks everyone always asks me why i am on such a bad sleeping schedule but i cant help it i can go to bed at 11 & just cant sleep im still on this schedule now its horrible i exclude myself from my friends & family =( i never talk on the phone anymore & im always stressed out  

  3. you can take a anti stress tablet, these range from calmez to homoeopathic medicines. Arson alb. is a good homoeopathic medicine, however if you pop along to your local health store they can recommend something for you. This will help to ease the stress, hopefully giving you a better nights sleep.

    If it still doesn't improve then you should probably see your GP, your obviously making yourself unwell.

    Good luck!

  4. hypnosis, or a really strong drink, although with your blood sugar i would have to advise against the drink and really suggest the cd's with subliminal messages telling you that you are tired and ready to sleep.

    oh or what works to put me to sleep even when i am not tired....the sound of nascar. yup my husband turns it on and a few minutes later i am in a solid deep sleep. i knew it had to be good for something.

  5. If you don't want to see your doc for medication, then I would suggest that you try these tips:

    Do not nap during the day.

    Do not drink caffeine after 2pm

    Try a hot shower before bed, when your body temp cools and regulates this will naturally make you sleppy.  

    It sounds as if you have insomnia and most times this is a related symptom to something else larger in your life.  Stress, depression, etc.  I would suggest that you see your doctor, I understand the fear of pills but believe me take it from someone who suffers from chronic insomnia.....a sleep aid and anit depressent has drastically improved my life!

    Good Luck

  6. I was the same way buuuut I figured out two things you can do.

    Both of them helped me.. Stay up all night and DON'T sleep that day and fall asleep at 7 or 8pm and then you'll wake up at about 6-7 and then  you'll probably crash around 9-10. You could try taking benedryl 30 minutes before you want to fall asleep for a few nights and that might fix your patterns.. And don't drink any caffeine while you're trying to fix your patterns.

  7. Ok, I'm not sure if you are stressed out because of the insomnia, or the insomnia if causing the stress. If it is stress related you need to work on relieving the stress, or figure out how to deal with the issue in a non stressful way. To try to get to sleep you could try some warm Milk or maybe some Chamomile tea. Look up some breathing exercises that can help with relaxation. A nice hot bath before bed. I don't have insomnia, I just sometimes read in the tub and am always getting sleepy when I get out. Go get a massage to see if that helps get rid of some of the stress (don't be surprised if you fall asleep on the table). Don't eat too close to bedtime. It diverts blood from other places in the body.

    I know you said no pills, but if all else isn't working you could try taking a Benedryl, not a Benedryl D, just regular Benedryl. I know it's an antihistimine, it's active ingredient is also a sleep aid. That way maybe you can get a full night sleep and possibly reduce your stress enough for some of the other methods to work for you.

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