
How can i fix the carpeting that my daughters pup pulled out of the piece that holds the floor thats under the

by  |  earlier

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door daughter thought she had put the pup in her crate but had left her alone in her bedroom ..and now the carpet is all pulled up in that one spot there any way we can fix it ????




  1. Mine did this once too.  You can either glue the individual strands back in or, if there is carpet in the closet, cut a piece out of there and patch it in.  They make some seam tape to attach it.  It is kind of a pain, but it works.

  2. if the carpet is mist up then I would get some anolem

    that will mach the room and a border tack strip that you can

    shape . cut the carpet out wear the door sweeings .just maybe a "D" shap or somthing .lay the anolem wear it gos unde the carpet and tack strep the ege.

    then when the dog dous this agen you can just replace the


  3. There should be a door hold on the floor that transitions the bedroom to the hallway. If there is, you'll need to pull that up and reposition the carpet, then reinstall the door hold. If there is not, then there are tacks in the carpet, you will need to feel for them and use them as a guide to put the carpet back in place, but you will need to get new tacks and put them in.

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