
How can i flush weed out of my system?

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I smoked last wednesday for the first time in 4 months. i smoked 1 blunt btw me n another person n i smoked the other by myself and i smoked out a small bong by myself. do u think it can be out of my system in a week or 2? is there anything i can do to make it go away quicker?




  1. You can't make it go away faster than it already goes, which is about 3 weeks. But you can speed it up a little! Drink a lot of water (not too much, you'll die) and drink lemon juice. Worked for me.

  2. It sort of depends. The detectable toxins in marijuana stick to fat cells, so if you're a skinny-Minny, you'll clear out faster. If you're on the heavier side, those toxins are more likely to stick longer. It's good that that you hadn't smoked in months though. Generally chronic smokers have the harder time clearing out (1 month at least). It sounds like you smoked a lot that one time though, so even with slamming tons of water, it sounds like the minimum amount of time you have is 2-3 weeks (to be safe). Be aware that all this is for a urine test. It will stay detectable in your blood for at least a month and in your hair between 3-6 months.

  3. lots of water can help.

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