
How can i fly down the glide slope using the auto pilot for FSX??

by  |  earlier

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i try to do it but im not succesfull...can anyone give me any details on how to use the auto pilot to fly down the glide slope?




  1. First of all, tune your Nav 1 of Nav 2 radio to the runway's ILS frequency and turn your course heading to the runway's heading (You can get this by bringing up airport info on the map).  Then navigate the aircraft into the ILS field (green triangular shaped area extending out from runway on the map).  If the plane has autopilot, turn it on and and click on the approach hold button (APP). It will keep you on the glideslope, but if you want a good landing, you must do it yourself. You must also keep the airplane at its final approach speed by setting it up on the autopilot of manually doing it yourself.

  2. If you are on ILS approach then press the Approach key on the auto pilot pannel and engage the Auto pilot.Be sure to maintain your Approach speed.Good luck.

  3. just press the button on your joystick! duh!

  4. you have to tune into the ILS frequency of the runway u want to land on (find this when you bring up the map and click on the airport - it will have all the freqs for each runway + other info) . Then dial this freq into the nav section of the radio stack (not the com section). Also make sure that u switch the freq over to the active window (left window) Then when you are approaching the ILS feathers (shown on the GPS) and at about 2,500 ft click on approach ( u have to have the autopilot engaged before this) and she should fly right down to the glide slope. If u are too high, u will not be able to intercept the g/s for a succesful landing and will have to go-around.

    There are some airports that do not have glideslopes, only localizers, so u will only be able to line up with the r/w and then hand fly it in.

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