
How can i get a 6pac with pecs?

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i want to a 6pac and nice pecs and big muscles in my arms its been my dream to have that but one problem i have got too much fat i always dream of losing my fat but it just seems impossible i can go gym or is there a way to lose weight in the house cause the gym beside its not cheap its quite costly




  1. Basicially im giving you this answer from experiance, press ups will give you pecks but you have to do quite alot once a day, a 6 pac do crunches and situps, and muscles do weights, if you do this once a day or every other day you should receive what you want in time. Also it helps you get them faster if you do aerobic excersizes like tredmill things like that to loose the fat faster so your muscle will show up faster!

  2. start with doing press ups and sit ups till you are fitter and save up to buy a multi gym

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