
How can i get a concealed weapon permit?

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i live in virginia




  1. Speak with the Sheriff's office in your local county.  

    You'll need to pass a background check from the state, pass a written test, then pass a field test, where you'll have to prove you're able to successfully fire a certain number of shots in a certain amount of time, hitting the target a certain number of times (the amounts very from state to state, county to county it seems).

  2. Every state is different.

    They are cracking down on the reasons to have one.  Check with the Local Police Department and they will have someone to talk to and advise you.

    In California there is not more issuance for protection alone.  There has to be another reason, transporting of large sums of money things like that.

  3. Don't do it! The act of obtaining a Concealed Weapons Permit lends support and your tact approval to the states CRIMINAL restriction of your RIGHT to KEEP and BARE ARMS. My advice to you is don't go where your gut tells you you might NEED a weapon. If you must, then just DO IT! Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six....

  4. Virginia is a shall issue state.  So go to the sheriff and get the forms, take the class, and carry your gun.

  5. u need to be 21, get weapon certified, get the permit and buy the weapon

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