
How can i get a date with Madonna????????????????

by  |  earlier

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i have bought many of her tunes BUT she is splitting with Max Branning so she will be free soon!!!!!!!! SO how can i get a date with her? thanks for reading my question!!!!!!!! it means a lot ;O) take another second and answer? i beg thee oh mighty yahooooooinan! ;O) lol




  1. Buy a lottery ticket, and if u win, talk to her manager in order to get a date for planning a free concert that u can afford. And she will come to u, and you might become friends. Isn't it great? Ed.

  2. Just stroll upto her and ask her, obviously.

    Madonna cant refuse p***s.

  3. Offer her a facelift. My God, she needs one. Have you seen her lately? Looks like a leather purse with clown lips.

  4. Eeeek! I hate the woman it's about time she bought some jeans to cover up her thighs. If you look carefully the sides wobble like some jelly. She is also nearly had as much plastic surgery as Michael Jackson.

    You can have a date with me if you like.

  5. I noticed also that this questions on Global Warming !!!

    Well Madonna is HOT and Environmentally dangerous, as for getting a date with her, my advice is

    "Don't touch what you can't afford".. but dream on friend, dream on...

    Caramac x

  6. email her....

  7. Are you sure you can handle her? She may start break dancing or doing backflips and all sorts while in bed lol

  8. simple duct tape a plastic bag and a paneled van

  9. Like asking out any woman.  

    1 -  meet her

    2 -  do something that interests her enough to want to spend time with you.

  10. you could try and close your eyes and go to sleep maybe in your dreams she might date you

  11. how does this have to do with global warming?

    just asking... not that i LIKE talking about global warming ;)

  12. I dated all three Dixie Chicks for a week...Madonna would be easy after that.

  13. She follows the discussion here, so keep saying really deep things and she will get in touch with you.  Or at least that's what some people told me.


  14. Show your bits ,take photograhs and make a book.she'll soon be on the scene.

  15. I just asked her about you and she started to giggle.......i guess that means she's not interested.

  16. well idk about dating Madonna but if u wanna hit that u need to be a black man and be willing to do her all night long

  17. Why?!! Do you really need the hastle?

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