
How can i get a domain Online?

by  |  earlier

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I want to launch a retail business online, but i want to know how can i get a domain and how much it cost?

Thanks in Advance




  1. As you may know a domain name is just a name, not a real website. If you are going to create your website: 1- Buy a domain name. 2- Buy a web hosting service to provide your online space and enable you to get your website online at your purchased domain name.

    If you want to start your website I recommend purchase your domain and hosting together. In this way it is possible to get your domain for free. Some hosting services offer this gift today.

    One of these services is reachable at: . Their service is really great and easy to use. This company offers "Free Site Builder" that helps you build your web pages without difficulty if you are not skilled in using any website creating program. (WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get).

  2. Hello! It's cheap! (depending on the domain you want...)

    Your question just reminded me to register couple for myself. They were USD$9.95 each (for a year).

    If you want a .com, then these guys are probably among the cheapest (to be fair, I haven't checked in a while, for $9.95 they'd have to be A LOT cheaper for it to pay for my time!!). Consider getting a domain... it helps, because that says to your customers "I'm in the UK - a point that so many UK businesses using .com addresses seem to miss. I honesly don't get that. As an 'international business', sure, you can't go wrong with a .com. But don't over-blow the importance of a good domain. Again, if repeat busines is your key model, it does help to have one that people can actually remember. Be creative!! Sometimes an 'odd' or 'interesting angle' on a very common topic can be both memorable and available in the context of a domain. But think 'search engine optimisation'. Better still, Google it... 'SEO'... adwords, etc. Might want to have a look at 'affiliate marketing too'. Forgive me if this was obvious...

    The (only?) other consideration is that the company that you use would have a good control panel (so you can 'point' the domain at your host, which won't necessarily be the same company). These guys ( are pretty bloody good actually, I've never had an issue and I have maybe 80 or so with them.

    Good luck with your business! Sounds like you'll be needing a host and a non-tech web publishing solution? Check out wordpress,com or movable type. They're free. My favourite way over-used joke is... "can we afford that?"



  3. Well, it depends on how much you want to spend.

    1. The cheapest option I know is:

    $3.75/month but they don't offer that much disk space and options.

    2. Godaddy has a couple of nice plans:

    3. For $5.78/month I recommend Dreamhost

    Their standard price is $119.40/year ($9.95/month if you pay yearly) but they currently have a promotion. You can use the promo code PLUS at sign up page and get the $50 discount + 2 Free domain names. This way you get them for $69.40/year ($5.78/month). You can use their huge Disk Space and host unlimited number of sites on a single plan.

    Disk space: 500 GB

    Bandwidth: 5000 GB

    2 Free domain names

    Price: $5.78/month ($69.40/year)

    4. If you're willing to pay $20+/monthly for hosting I recommend:

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