
How can i get a job in paranormal investigation?

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im only 15 but im interested in the paranormal such as spirits im also interested in videojournalism , is there nay job that allows me to link the 2 maybe and what subjects should i take interest in?




  1. I don't know how lucrative it would be.

    How about looking for a local ghost hunters group, find out when they're having their next meeting, and see if you can't arrange to tag along.

  2. Paranormal investigation is a hobby, not a career.  So you can begin investigating at any time.

    Have fun!

  3. No paying gigs, sorry, way too many people doing it for free.

  4. Best bet is work your way in to getting a PHD, in paranormal only 3 colleges have the major available. Then do investigating and write a book. Learn as much as you can now and follow your dream.

  5. Investigators do not make any money, it is something that we do because we want to. If you are into video journalism stick to that angle.

    You can tag along with investigators and run your video equipment.

    If you truly want a job try doing documentary stuff on haunted landmarks and such.

  6. Many investigative journalist write books and magazine articles, do stories for news shows and otherwise investigate paranormal activity (granted not full time usually). There is no reason why one couldn't do a film/DVD on paranormal research (the film "What the Bleep" comes to mind).

    I have included a link below for you that may allow you to locate a group in your area.

    Paranormal investigators rarely get paid however many scientist work in the field of parapsychology (although also usually part time with full time jobs teaching in universities).

    That would require a doctoral degree (as all full members of the Parapsychological Association have).

    You could combine your interest in many ways depending on the approach you wish to take. You could take your understanding of optics further and become a physicist specializing in optics. You could expand your understanding of the equipment with a degree in electrical engineering. Of course these are scientific approaches which most reporters and journalist do not take. However, there are some journalist that specialize in science writing kind of bringing science to the general public.


  7. No, I am afraid the majority of us who do paranormal investigations all have regular jobs, because this research we do on our own time and at our own expense.  So you can't actually go to work as a paranormal investigator.  

    However, take as many classes as you can as far a photograpy.  It will only help you should you decide to take up paranormal research.

  8. Paranormal investigation is not a good career choice. Most people who do it are amateurs. Those that make money are entertainers, or are self deluded.

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