
How can i get a job working with nature?

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I love nature, the outdoors and wildlife and have an interest in the environment. I'de love to work or even vollenteer in these areas, has any one any advise how i could get involved. The RSPB would be great to work for or something like this.... Any advise pleese?????




  1. apply to the zoo. saves all the hard work mate.

  2. Look straight and to the point, get ahold of your local conservation office, tell them you are interested in volunteering and want to help out. Or find out if they have any seasonal openings. Some jobs you do need experience and there are those when you are helping take information down while in the field that you need no experience.

  3. Environmental sciences are becoming one of the worlds fastest growing industries.  Check out your local environmental groups for guidance.  

    I used to work for a large multi national oil company and they now have staff entirely devoted to the environment.  Functions being both prevention of damage to the environment and correction of damage done.  You can also look into courses in reclamation.

  4. This website is great for volunteering

  5. BTCV- either as an occasional volunteer or you can live on site and run holidays doing all sorts of conservation work.

    Wildlife Trusts- usually have volunteers doing weekly tasks and people on government schemes.

    Or write/phone/email any eco organisation and tell them you want to do volunteer work, they will let you know what to do.

    You could end up in some far flung country doing some good!

  6. apply to local council gardening section

  7. Become a biologist, and do research ("field work")

    Become a forest management consultant (go out a measure trees).  

    Oceanograper if you like the oceans.

  8. try Greenpeace website and see if you can get to an open day or something

  9. Become a Gardener

  10. Have a look at the National Trust and community projects in your area.

  11. Contact your local Landcare or Ausralian trust for conservation volunteers.

  12. go and live in a treehouse

  13. If you want to volunteer with the RSPB, the deatils are on their website here:

    If you look on the website of any 'wildlife' or 'environmental' group, they usually have a link for volunteers.

    Before volunteering, think about where you want to end up working, as your volunteering can help towards that. My daughter is now a Marine Biologist. She started out (about 6 years ago) by volunteering with the Marine Conservation Society. She still helps with a group who have 'adopted' a beach, which they look after, helping to keep it clear of litter etc. It's surprisingly good fun, out in the fresh air on a beach with a group of mates! The info they gather helps the MCS to know what's being thrown into our seas, endangering wildlife and ending up on our beaches!

    Anyone can adopt a beach, see this website for details:

    She's also worked with these, who have volunteer groups throughout the UK:

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