
How can i get a lanky, waify, skinny body( without throwing up or starving)?

by Guest10984  |  earlier

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i really want to have a waify body and lanky like twiggy, cause if i do i could do some manys things things with myself like clothes ans assessories and stuff. im 5'0 and weigh 130 pounds, my body is sorta thick,-like, not too muscular, but not too fat either, i can't really decribe it, but can someone tell me a way how to get a body like that, without starving or throwing up like most people do, and i dont want to harm myself like that and plus i havent threw up in years!! so i forgot! lol.




  1. Well that fastest way is by rapping yourself with some plastic around your belly and lose a lot of water by jumping running etc...try to make yourself sweat and you will get soooo skinny but you wont lose fat just water.

    Thats how my mate did it and she go soooo skinny!!! lol but its a bit dangerous as well.

    But it does work!!!

  2. If you wanna lose weight and cannot do it on your own try Weight Watchers. It works!

  3. I am a personal trainer and have dealt and trained many people like yourself. The easiest way is of course a strict diet with about an hour of exercise a day 4-5 days a week. Eating 4-5 small meals a day every 2-3 hours will speed up your body's metabolism at a fast rate which in turn burns more fat and calories at a much rapid rate thus you loose weight. I've put all my clients on the diet supplement HYDROXYCUT and all of them received the reseults they were looking for in a reasonable amount of time. But keep in mind that you need to be patient and consistent with your diet and exercise to achieve your goals.

  4. well you could do a bunch of coke, thats what twiggy did.  otherwise you are stuck with your run of the mill eating disorder options.  i know, NOT ORIGINAL, but what can i say?

    perhaps you could see a professional that will coddle you into loving yourself for who you are.  thats what we do with kids today isnt that right?

  5. try weightwathers and excerciese

  6. I don't think you want to become skinny, but if you really must know. Eat every three hours. Eat three meals. and every three hours between eat 100 calorie snacks.

    Hope this helps!

  7. Well if you want an opinion from a guy.  I absolutely hate the skinny look on women.  I'd much rather have a girl who was a little on the chunky side rather than a girl on the skinny side.  However I absolutely love a girl who has a toned body.  Kate Bosworth in Blue Crush had a nice body, but Kate Bosworth after she lost all that weight looked terrible.

  8. I want that same kind of body, but I'm short too. There isn't much you can do about that...wear heels. I wore a really high pair yesterday and got a lot of compliments so I guess that would work. Work on toning your body with exercise. But yeah, please dont go the harmful route. You'll just look and feel gross.

  9. be happy with yourself...... i have discovered that most guys prefer a girl that has the shape of a woman........

    your not overweight...... just have confidence in yourself and wear clothes to show your figure.......... you don't want to be a stick.... that is a males figure............

    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. lot's 'o excersize and time........good healthy diet to

  11. go back in time, have your mom marry a tall skinny guy and get reborn.

    genetics are the main reason for the way you look, if not poor diet. [i'm not saying you're fat. you seem healthy.]

  12. Eat healthy and exercice!

  13. Starvation and lots of exercise. Don't do bulimia, that messes up your teeth pretty bad.  

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