
How can i get a loose tooth out

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i have a loose tooth and need it gone,




  1. i use to twist it gentle one way then the other, then twist it farther slightly till it comes out, abit of blood but should stop after 1 min.

  2. My mom always used plyers.  The way I liked to do it was get TP, cause it's dry and absorbs spit.  Good a good grip on the tooth as close to the gum as possible...pull really hard.

  3. eat chewy and sticky foods/sweets useually works for me. Eather that or fiddling with it till it is loose enough to pull.

    Si =]

  4. Twist it as far as it can go, then yank it out.

    Try twisting and pulling at the same time.

    Don't use plyers! You could pull out another tooth.! And that would be bad, lol.

  5. wait

  6. u can have somebody punch it out or take a long peice of string and make a not and put it on the lose tooth and tie the other end to the door nobb and have someone close the door so it can come out.

  7. wiggle it back it forth and eat something hard

  8. pull it.

  9. Hmmm... let's see. Pull it!

  10. Depends. You can bite an apple, tie a string around it, use pliers, and many other ideas or you could go to the dentist.  

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