
How can i get a more positive attitude? ?

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i always see the negative in situations.

ive been thru bad things in life even tho i know some people have been thru worse

my parents constantly argued from the age of 8 onwards until they split up when i was 17

i was bullied at school and failed my GCSEs

i got mentally abused by my ex boyfriend

my mum started arguing with me coz my dad wasnt there and forced me out of her house when i was 21 so i was classed as homeless for months

ive always struggled with work was long term unemployed until march last year

on a minimum wage job with no chance of promotion

i get really down sometimes

how can i be more positive?




  1. It sounds like you're "shell shocked" from all the negative things that have happened to you; just the way a soldier feels when "shells" are constantly going off around them.

    Here's a very good saying I heard.  It goes like this:  "Adversity has a way of introducing us to ourselves!"  

    If you think about that quote for a minute, it makes a LOT of sense.  Dealing with adversity shows us what we're MADE of.  Are we "wimps"?  Or are we someone who takes "the bull by the horns" and wrestles "adversity" to the ground.

    In other words, you can let life BEAT YOU UP. . .or you can say, "I'm going to take all these lemons (the lemons being the c**p in your life), and make lemonade (the lemonade being something worthwhile that came from all the c**p you've dealt with).  

    Writing the "chapters" of our book is entirely up to US.  We're our own authors.  

    Look into some government programs that help with tuition toward school and get a degree in SOMETHING.  THEN GO OUT AND MAKE SOMETHING OF YOURSELF.  It's NOT too late.  But every second you waste doing NOTHING is another second wasted.  Don't waste your youth.  It will be gone. . . .before you know it !

    Good luck to you !   You sound really sweet !

  2. Follow this advice and you will find some differences!

    Stand up........Close your eyes

    In you imagination.. imagine in front of you is a mirror image of you LOOKING confident. Notice your experssion on your face, notice your body posture and notice how you move if your moving in the image!

    Notice how confident you LOOK!

    (wouldnt it be great to be like that..right?)

    Now with eyes still closed....hold out your hands and grab the image...bring it closer and STEP INTO  the mirror image of you LOOKING confident......thats right!

    Now you are more confident....imagine an image of you looking even MORE CONFIDENT and notice how much more confident this image is...notice the posture, the facial expressions and the movement..

    No hold out those arms...bring the image CLOSER...and STEP into the image and FEEL CONFIDENT NOW!

    do it again and again until your soo CONFIDENT NOW!

    each time you step into the images notuice how good it is to be confident !!

  3. First you should get some professional help from a therapist . Contact all your mental health clinic ; if they get some free service for people in your position [ financially poor ] also contact your pastor or go see him if he can referred you to a free professional service ; because you had been through so much ; I cannot picture a person who has no knowledge in phycology helping you ; in the mean time go to your local library and get some book on positive attitude . God Luck Also ask God to help you ; it cannot hurt even if you think He had abandoned you since a long time ;; Love  

  4. You need to get some professional help.  Being more "positive" is just a way of deluding yourself.  Talk to them at your college and they may be able to help you.

    $.05 please.

  5. Maybe its not easy but try to forget your past. The past will always be a factor for present unhappiness especially with a past like yours. Wake up every morning and say today is going to be a great day and no one can put me down. With a positive attitude something very good is bound to happen!!!  

  6. Well the good news is my friend, you still have a chance to turn it all around and change your life for the better.

    You have to do the 3 following things:

    1.Start reading newspapers,books anything that you like or anything that interests you. This will make you more knowledgeable and will also occupy your mind. Reading is one of the most constructive things you can do.

    2.Take pride in your appearance and try to look your best every time you step out of your house, this will give you self confidence.

    3.This is a very important step: Sit down and think of what you want to be in life?what are your goals?where you see yourself 10-20 years from now?

    Write them down, also write down what all you need to do to achieve those goals, and then start working hard to achieve those goals.

    This will give your life direction and purpose.

    You must do the above things seriously if you want to change your life for the better.

    You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself, its unfortunate you had to go through these things but that was in the past and you cant change it now, but the future is in your hands.

    It can be whatever you want it to be, but for that you have to do what i have said above.

    Best of luck.

  7. u must think positive .. read the word of God

  8. Look at the positive things in life. :)

  9. You can afford to go back to college.  It takes alot of courage and determination to better things for yourself.  Many of us have learned to do it on our own and it's not always easy, but you can do it.  If you are interested in college, go to the college of your choice and talk to the people in the financial aid department.  I guarantee you that there will be grants and/or loans available for you.  At this point in time you would be looking at starting school in January and it is very possible to do this if you have taken your entrance exams like ACT or SAT.  If college is not for you, there are other ways to improve yourself.  Always have good work ethics, regardless of how bad your job is.  Take pride in yourself and don't let Mom and Dad's problems effect you.  They are the past.  You are so fortunate to be 21 and have opportunities for a good life ahead of you.  

    My main advise is to keep your thoughts positive.  Don't let yourself think negative.  

  10. Think of ways to improve. Start by doing a sport like swimming and walking to clear your mind.

    Then go out there and prove to all those non believers who think you wont do it that you are a 'champ' You can do it.

    Don't think about what you can't do. Do that things you can do.

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