
How can i get a nursing job in australia?

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im already qualified but i dont know much about what kind of visas/permits i need




  1. I know some people. Australia is despret!!! for nurses. Good cash and the cost of living is cheap as chips. U need a working visa. If you work in a hospital you will find that it is easyer to get citizenship and live happily because nursing is a government job. Do email me if u need some info.

  2. i definatly know they need nurses in Australia.. have you studied Nursing?

    Id reccomend contacting the health system, or even trying and seeing if there are jobs posted?

    There is agencies ive heard of that will help you get a job... just research and hope you find some info!


  3. There is a great shortage in Australia for Nurses and pay ok - more if you go out the rural communities (outback)

    Not sure where you are but see if there is an expo coming up in your area about living and working in Australia. Immigration is there to answer questions and there will be job offers made to the skilled shortage job list.

    ( also at )

    More info from Immigration - Information and visa options for doctors and nurses who want to work in Australia.

    See also  - working as a flight nurse.

    Good Luck

  4. Sorry but you haven't given much info but if your from another country you need to get a working visa and then come over here and apply for the jobs. There's heaps of them for qualified nurses.

    They are 2 sites that may help you find a job. Although if you aren't qualified you need to go to uni for 3 years.


  5. If you do a Yahoo search, you will find many sites like the one below. I know that there is a shortage in New Zealand; also worth considering. Contacting the Australian Embassy, could be another way.

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