
How can i get a paper round?

by  |  earlier

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How can i get a paper round?




  1. Get down to your local post office or news agents and see if they need anyone, if  not let them take your name and details so they can contact you when theres a space open.

    All you've gotta do is go to the till and ask if they do paper rounds, if they say yes ask if theres one avalible.

    good luck x

  2. Pair of scissors and a dinner plate :))

  3. first off go to newsagents and see if they want anybody!

  4. Go to the newsagents and see if they need anyone! :) x

  5. Yes at the newsagents they'll have people deliver different newspapers

    So go to your local and see if there is any jobs going


  6. Go to all the newsagents in your area and see if they're looking for anyone. You might also want to look in the classified job section of the newspaper - sometimes there are adverts for paper rounds in there. If you can't find any, then ask in other shops like supermarkets - see if you can get a delivery round for something like magazines.

    Good luck! :)

  7. look in the back of your weekly paper.

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