
How can i get a short nose WITHOUT SURGERY?

by Guest56538  |  earlier

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i have a long nose is there anyway to make it look smaller WITHOUT PLASTIC SURGERY OR MAKE UP? please HELP people make fun of me and thats embarassing :<( a long nose sucks!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. i hear that if you pick your nose it will help reshape the inner cavity

    you need to do it constantly

  2. You could try smacking it with a board.  

  3. not unless you break it and then your doctor fixes it or something

    please answer mine

  4. cut it off yourself.

  5. As far as I&#039;m aware, you&#039;ve ruled out the only 2 things that would help. Makeup can sometimes be effective for shading and making your features appear different than they are (make something look larger or smaller, more or less pronounced)...and of course surgery would actually give you a smaller nose.

    What would you imagine your options otherwise would be? Your nose is the size it is. You can disguise it (makeup) or remove part of it (surgery).

    Your other option is to accept it, love who you are, and come up with a clever, humorous comeback for anyone who is rude and tactless enough to tease you about it. People who make fun of others, are insecure people themselves. You shouldn&#039;t be hurt by their words, you should feel sorry for them. They feel so bad about themselves, they are unkind to others to boost their own ego and pretend they don&#039;t have issues. It&#039;s rather sad actually. Feel sorry for them...and be confident and proud of yourself. ☺

  6. A knife?

    Just get a nose job.  You&#039;ll probably be a lot happier.

  7. i have the same problem

    and well there&#039;s nothing to do

    but people tell me if you try different hair styles it makes it seem shorter

    try google

  8. you cant

  9. Uh, sorry, but theres no possible way to make your nose shorter without surgery.

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