
How can i get a visa from peru to america?

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i want a citizen from peru to come to america




  1. The american embassy tell you all you need in its web page (plus the paper are electrnically filled now). However, the person appliying for the visa must present enough proof of economically solvency as everyday there are thousands of people who get rejected on the basis that they dont have strong economic ties in Peru and therefore are potential illegal immigrants. However, if you have a blood related relative, you can legally apply to bring him/her to the US. If this person you want to bring has no legal tie (or blood tie) to you, he/she must do the paperwork on her/his own and pray for the best.

  2. well first  we have to  ask some you have any previous travel overseas or out from Peru? well help if you have a visa to Europe or Mexico or Canada.   Well is no the answer prepare a lot of documents like if you have a formal job, what is u profession, and the amount of your salary and letter of presentation of your company, if you have properties or own a land a house a car, account in the bank...if no the answer well u can try to go to the embassy and pay the fee of $100.00 at the national bank and ask for the appointment, but in case u don't obtain the visa u can not apply in the next 2 years.  Don't help if you are less than 30 years. Well good luck and buena suerte.

  3. I have a brother in law from your place ( peru ) now in USA, he went to the US embassy there & applied for a visa. ( bring with you all the necessary papers that will support your intention why you wanted to visit their place ) Good luck !

  4. The person wanting the visa needs to contact the American Embassy in Lima and apply for the type of visa the'y want.  They will have to go to the embassy for an interview too.  See the website below.  You can read this website in Spanish or English.

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