
How can i get acting auditions without an agent?

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How can i get acting auditions without an agent?




  1. there is a magazine called "billboard" and thats where u can find when and where auditons are. U cant realy rely on websites to tell u about auditons but u can try! just google search ones in ur area.

  2. Answer # 1 and # 2 offer valid suggestions. A Cattle Call or open audition would be advertised for specific shows, and most often, might be for extras, "fillers".

       In a theatrical sense, a company may have resident artists, similar to interns, who fill many principal roles.

       Certainly Film occasionally offers open auditions, especially for Site specific, OFF site location shooting. As # 2 states the big $$$ are usually chosen from known people in the crafts, no matter the genre.

       While not at all a fan of Agents, they serve a purpose when legit, and contact with SAG, Equity, etc, can get you info on legit agents.

       Certainly in any case it largely matters that a cast member has Talent, and some familiarity with stage or film work. That might be less of an obvious concern if one has a non speaking, filling in a cast, brief walk on, part. IE: "We have a Line of Roman Soldiers, guarding Caesar, one dropped out, we need one to fill that spot."

  3. Noticeboards,, Craigslist, etc. But the REAL well paying jobs require an agent, simply b.c. they don't open the doors to any Tom, d**k or Harriette when big money is at stake (or very rarely).

  4. go to cattle calls

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