
How can i get all my serves in in volleyball games?

by Guest58669  |  earlier

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i can totally serve over-hand, and underhand too... in practice i get 9 out of 10 serves in... in my games, i always always always have to miss the second serve... what i did was i began serving only underhand in games, but STILL IT DIDNT WORK MUCH... i was about the same difference... what should i do? what am i doing wrong... how can i stop it.. i am a starter and i have a championship coming up and i wanna do good...




  1. I know when I get upset or think about it too much I miss it.. but also sometimes your arm can get tired so try moving to a different spot so when your arm gets tired it won't send it too far to the left or right. That really helps me.

    Also talk to you coach about different ways to solve that problem.

  2. If you say that you have the whole serving thing down then that means that you are freaking  yourself out by thinking about it to much!! I a middle school volleyball team and I see this happen a lot!! They will get their servers over most of the time in practice, but when it comes down to the game they choke!! Do not think about it so much.....pretend that you are just serving in practice, and hopefully that will work for you!!! Good luck and I hope I was of help!! ;-)

  3. practice!

    Here is a serving practice equiptment that you can do by yourself.  Its really cool

  4. you just need to relax during games! i bet you are thinking about it too much!!! if you are nervous then try to relax! you are worried!!! BUT YOU SHOULDN'T BE!!!!! just relax and hit the ball like you would in practice! dont think so much just act! pretend that it is just practice and you should do better!


  5. First lets make sure your serving technique and form are appropriate. If you are right handed, your form should be as follows. You feet should be shoulder width apart, with your left foot 1/2 to 1 foot in front of your right. When you toss the ball, you will take a step forward with your left foot and hit the ball with your right hand. Your toss is incredibly important and should be practiced until you have it down. To begin put the ball in your left hand. Put your hand with the ball up to shoulder height and in front of you right shoulder. Use your arm and not your whole body to toss the ball a few feet above your head, and take that step with your left foot. Allow the ball to drop to the ground. The ball should land in front of your right shoulder and farther from you than your left foot(after the step) Practice the toss alot as it is the first thing to mess up someone's serve.  If you have the serve down and you are still messing up, perform a routine to prepare for your serve. I always spin the ball before I serve. You may want to bounce the ball on the ground three times,or take a deep breath, or slap the ball or recite to yourself something to remember in your serve such as "toss in front of my right shoulder." this can be any routine that you establish in practice and in games. It helps you to get into the same mindset each time you serve. Remember that you don't have to miss that second serve, it is up to you and you have control over your actions, no one else does. Take control. Practice will make you more confident as you make more and more serves consistently.

  6. I would say that you are thinking about it too much. Even if you don't realize it. Try to develop a rountine before each serve. That always helped me when I played. I had a problem with the game-point serve at one point. Once I developed a routine before each serve, I got over it pretty quick.  I wouldn't worry too much about trying to place the ball somewhere until you can just get it over the net. I think once you stop psyching yourself out it will help a lot. Good luck!

  7. I kinda do this too.  It's kinda a physiological thing. Just tell yourself you can do it. Tell yourself that the ball IS going over the net. That actually helped me wierd as it sounds. I always mess up on game point, because i think im going to mess up, so i do mess up. You KNOW how to do it, and i dont think your doing anything wrong.

  8. focus hard, but you've got to remember one thing, everybody's not perfect, which means nobody can makes all their serves, you miss serves once in a while.

  9. You can just hold the volleyball up, and then hit it above your head or just at head height.  You do not have to toss it up. Use a bent elbow, like for your spiking - straighten your elbow for your spike serve (and spike) - upon contact with the ball, add the extra forward wrist movement - this will add spin, such that the ball will land in court, and if you hit the top of the net, it will roll over...

    You can practice the fast elblow flick - you can do this anytime without a ball - just start slowly and go faster and faster.  (Never go very fast right away - because this is bad for your muscles).  You need do only a few of these warm up elbow flicks. If you do this regularly, just for practice - when you do your serve or spike, you have already programmed yourself to just do it - hard and fast!

    A really neat serve to be able to do - is the windmill serve.  This is where your hand goes way back and you act like a catapult or windmill, arching your back a little.  When you have this working properly, you will put extreme spin on the volleyball, and players new to receiving it, will be astonished at how much spin there is. It helps to relax (to add the spin) and to use your bodyweight - it is an easy serve to do when you are tired.  When you are many points up, and it doesn't matter what you do with your serve - try it...  With regular use this becomes better and better.

    It you need to - purchase a cheap practice volleyball - this can be used outside anywhere on any surface.  Find a wall somewhere handy to serve against.  Lots of practice will get whatever serve you like, to work for you.  You can then toss the ball up, like a set, and then go forward to spike it.  This will give you confidence anytime you go for a set - to just do it -spike - the same for your serve too.  It is exactly the same way you'll hit - using your elbow and not your shoulder.

  10. all you need to do is practice and take your time, if you feel nervous in games take a deep breath

  11. Each ball has a little difference, so before the game you'd better borrow the game ball or a similar ball to practice your serve.

    Start your first serve with overhand, and aim at the middle of your opponent's court. Once you have the handle with two three good serves, you can start to "call-a-spot-and-serve". If you start serving too aggressively, or with too much self-conscious, your serve could go off-trail and your team's next server would get more pressure.

    The bottom line is, 9 out of 10 is pretty good and you should not worry too much about your "second serve". Everyone needs a little time to warm up, which is normal.

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