
How can i get an agent??

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In my other question someone suggested getting an agent, so where can i get one??? Im 13 i live in ca.





  1. you need classes first

  2. Well that all depends on what type of agent you are looking for. Models and actors have different agents for different things. For Print Q is really good. For runway try Ford.

  3. First you need to be sure your parents are 1000% supportive because you can't do anything without them.  Next, are you ready for one?  Have you been taking acting classes?  I don't mean in school, I mean at a legit acting studio.  Has your teacher suggested that you get an agent?  If he/she hasn't then you probably aren't ready.  You also need a resume.  Hve you already done a few spec commercials, student films, and indie films?  Have you done theatre?  These are all things you need to have on your resume for any agent to take you seriously.  Not to mention a referral from someone in the industry that the agent knows and trusts like a current client, a casting director or an instructor who thinks you are just so talented that you should have an agent and this particular agent should snap you up before someone else does and they get all the commission.

    You need to get all those things going on before you think about getting an agent.  Build your resume.  Audition at local theatres.  Check out and  You'll also need good grades and school attendance so that the state will have no problems issuing you an Entertainment Work Permit.  You also need a parent or other adult to be available to go to any bjos with you because you cannot be on set at your age without an adult.

    good luck,


  4. you shoudl do some classes!participate in plays! build up your resume! get an agent! do auditions! get headshots!

    and for an agent go to and scroll down till you find city nearest you

    read everythign you see! and click on words in blue but not double udnerlined ones and i suggest that you sign up with alan baltes go to first site and look at right column it explains everything! he wont be an agent just help you out and its a one time fee of 30 dollars and totally worth it!please do not report mee ok i am not doing anything bad and this isnt spam or solicitation its not my site!i just copy and paste my answer cause its teh same for every question and sometimes i alter it! whats wrong with that?

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