
How can i get back at her?

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A girl in my school is just really mean to me. I live in Florida where everyone is hispanic, i'm a german and I'm super pale. Everyone is 'ghetto' or something and wear expensive shoes, I wear whatever shoe I find first, so she goes "Girl you need a Tan!!!" or "Oh my god get better shoes PLEASE". I can't say I have the biggest b*****s, but mine just arn't like theirs, I have regular sized ones, like a little big bump. I DO wear bras, but my sized ones, the 1 layer ones, so she says "Girl, wear a bra!", I'm quiet and I never meant to caught attention, I'm shy and only have one friend in that class. She's getting me depressed and I can't ignore it. How can I get her back without cursing, saying something in her face or something? OR telling on her, that will just get me more attention and her angry. How can I get her back without her knowing it was me?




  1. Don't worry about getting back at her. Just be yourself, charming and pleasant to everyone and proud of what you are. You don't need a tan or big b*****s. If people are unpleasant to you, try not to be the same back, but ignore them and find people who value you.

    This girl's opinions don't matter to you. And in trying to bring you down, it likely means she's a bit jealous of your class and poise. Others have likely noticed too that she's not particularly nice, so she's not doing her own reputation any favours by behaving that way.  

  2. Take a shat in her letter box.

  3. Hmmm... I Live In Florida Too.

    Something To Get Back At Her Is To.

    Hmmm... Put Fake Crush Letters In Her Locker

    Making Her Think She Has A Secret Admirer.

    Then While She's Showin It Off To Everybody.

    The Next Couple Of Days. Put Another One In There Tellin Her That You Dont Like Her No More. And ETC...


  4. Isn't school over

  5. Get really tan.

    go buy some fake stuff.

    Get a bra that makes you look like your wearing a bra.

    then see what she says.

    She'll have nothing to complain about.

    or you could kick her..  

  6. Yeah, the Hispanic girls at my school were that way, too. I'm not saying all of them were rude (I actually had a friend who was Hispanic and was really nice) but some of them walked around fliping their hair in my face and bumping into me on perpous. There was this one Hispanic girl who for some reason kept picking on me with her friends and I had no idea why. I don't know what else to tell you but to stand up for yourself no matter how hard it gets. You'll be surpised of how strong you can be.  

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