
How can i get back in a dream?

by  |  earlier

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this sounds wired and i dont think there is any why but if i wanted to could i go back to the dream i had last night and have it again tonight? im just wondering.....




  1. Think about your dream before you go to sleep. That's usually all i have to do.

  2. Ok before you go to sleep don't think about anyhting but the dream. just keep thinking about the dream. Trust me I do it all the time

  3. Think about your dream before you go to bed and when you fall asleap , you will be back ... worked for me !

  4. Have the same thing to eat before you go to bed as you did the night before, go to bed at the same time, think about the same things and just pretty much do everything exactly the same. It worked for me!

  5. I can't deliberately  dream the same dream 2 nights in a row.  I can get back into the same dream in one night, though.  It has to be fast for me, so i couldn't do it if I'd have a whole day of distractions between.  It may be possible for some people, bur not for me.

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