
How can i get back my relationship with my husband?

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Iam married for 4 months.During s*x my husband found Hair on my body accidentally. since then he is not intersted in me. And for hair removal i took laser treatment. but also he is not interested. Now he asked divorce for this reason. Iam not interested to give divorce, since iam the only daughter to my parents, iam not ready to hurt their feelings also.please suggest some solution to my problem




  1. still, you are with him....I con't belive it....Just for hair..He was doing that cruelity to u......Ur hubby is simply sick and come out from him....If u want really help from me just mail me....I will tell u what to do.

  2. Watch out! he is fooloing around. There might be some other reason for asking divorce.

  3. your husband is really a petty jerk and you are lucky to get rid of him if he is a unfeeling jerk

  4. he is just looking for the lamest excuse possible.  find a man who will love you no matter what even if it isn't this guy.  most men throughout the world will look past a hair for an amazing woman.

  5. He may have found hair on your body, but if he loves you he would help you.Thats what married people do for each other.My poor woman, this husband of yours has a much deeper reason for divorce.Havimg body hair is about the most stupid excuse to offer a person.I bet you are a wonderful lady, but sadly it seems your husband is looking for any excuse to get away.Dont punish or blame yourself for his strange behavior.You have done nothing to deserve this treatment.The problem I see is his terrible attitudes.He should be honest and not try to make it look like something is wrong with you.Dear lady, I wish a future of happiness for you, as you deserve.It may come to a point you will have to tell your parents.As far as getting a relationship back, it takes two willing people.Let me know how you make out, I care.

  6. He can't leave you because you have hair on your body. If he does then he is really a jerk. The reason is something else. Either he was forced to marry you and he already has a girlfriend. You need to talk to him to figure out whats the reason.

    Just can't sacrifice your life with a jerk just because it would pain your family. Your family wants you to be happy and if you are not happy you got to take a stance. But before that talk to him and understand what is the real issue. There are teething issues in marriage and you got to address them.

  7. dont hold ur self guilty for whatever happened most probably ur husband doesnt wanna be with u...god knows whats the reason behind it but im more than sure its got nothing to do with hair on ur body..either hez having an affair or therez more to it...y dont u sit n talk to him...he if doesnt listen..let ur parents talk through...if that 2 doesnt help..get urself a gud lawyer n plan ur way ahead...

    as far as he is concerned no court in this world will give him divorce on the ground that u had hair on ur just relax try talking to him if that doesnt help, ur lawyer will guide u through..laws in india are very much in favour of the women...u havent done anything wrong..its just that hez looking for a excuse to get out of this relationship...stay calm n think logically ull find ur way out...gud luc

  8. Is this a joke either it is or your husband is full of it who gets divorced because of hair.

  9. what?

         this is not a correct reason.he told this reason because he wants divorce.tell to ur mother about this.i hope that ur parents will solve this.dont worry.

  10. i really dont know want to tell u. maybe he dont like the feelin of u havin hair it turns him off just thinking about but it. do u think its really worth all the troble not really. if he really wants u n his life he the will like u for who u r not  for what u have if he dont want to sit down n at least talk about the laser treament then he is no good that was probly a good reason to get over u maybe!!!!!!!!!

  11. If it was your hair then he needs to get over himself and you probably deserve someone better who isn't so particular and I am sure he is so particular about himself either.

    Did he think  it was someone else's hair? Some ppl can't take cheating spouses. I think men especially. Ask what his reason is for divorcing you? It sounds fishy and their may be another woman but that's a crappy excuse to divorcing someone.  

  12. Ur question should - How Badly can I kick his **** instead of how do I save my relationship.

              He is a looser , don;t waste ur time on him

  13. Hair is just an excuse. I bet he is in relationship with someone else.

    Talk to him. Tell him to find a better excuse for divorce.

    Anyway he is indeed a jerk. He has no respect for the nature. Take him to a good doctor. If he does not undersatnd, throw him out of your life.

    Faster the better.

  14. I bet u there is other side of coin cause nobody gonna say i want to

    divorce cause she have hairs on her body my heart says cause u r the

    only child and all the property they have gonna belong to u later so your inlaws forced there son to marry u although he have some one else in his life.

    Four months is not a long period let both familys sit toghter and talk face to face and truth may come out in that case u guys sue them for

    all the expences and say good bye unless u want to have a h**l life u

    deserve better then that good luck i don't see u spending rest of your

    life with this guy.

  15. i think ur husband is self center

  16. Hello Deepika

    It's very weird that your husband is willing to leave you just for this reason in-spite you taking the treatment necessary, first of all you have not mentioned whether your marriage is arranged or love marriage, if it's arranged probably your husband is not satisfied with the marriage, and is looking for a lame reason to end it.

    Ask your hubby if he is ready to disclose this reason in front of his parents why he is ready to give you divorce, before that it is important that you at least speak to your mom first and let her know about this issue, since it seems your husband is not able to understand you emotionally and is considering only your external looks, which is not true love and is a dangerous situation.

    Don't try to stay in such relationship for long, speak out to your parents and try finding a way out to exit this relationship gracefully.

  17. He sounds like a major jerk. Just let him divorce you. Find someone better. He will only cause you a lifetime of heartache if he is willing to divorce you over something so small.  

  18. The hair is not the issue--it is a manifestation of something larger. Should a person be fixed on something this trivial you want to pursue other alternative --such as marriage or individual counseling. If that is not appropriate for your cultural background. Usually, there is a community person who can help with marital strife, such as an elder.

    First and foremost do not personalize it --as women we have level of personal hygiene that assists with our physical and emotional attractiveness with our other sexual half. Should you need further advice there are specialty programs and services for you to investigate. A good resource is a community newspaper--they often offer natural health based programming and services to assist with body beautification. Good luck.

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