
How can i get back with my girlfriend? she wont forgive me?

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ok i have been with my girlfriend for a year now, we had a nice anniversary, but at the moment i had been talking to a friend from Idaho, i live in Colorado, and its a friend that i was messing around with and calling her pretty, and stuff like that, my girlfriend found out and she's breaking up with me, i don't think you would call that cheating, considering i was never planning on seeing her, and i would never ask her out, like h**l. it was just over e-mail that this happened, i don't want to break up with my girlfriend i feel that shes the best thing that has ever happened to me, i don't want to loose her, she means everything to me, so how can i get back with her? I'm really in love with her, i regret even talking to her that girl from idaho if i wouldn't have maybe this wouldn't be happening but it is, and i don't know what to do, i went to her home and put 24 red roses at her front door, and omg!! I'm crying this moment, please tell me what i can do to win her heart back, i need her back into my life please someone help me!!! im not a cheater and i want to be back with my girlfriend i want to make her happy i really want to make her happy, i someones help please!!!




  1. You may have never planned on seeing this girl but can you imagine how your girlfriend felt when she read these msgs that you've been sending this girl well i will tell you she felt betrayed,stupid,used,crushed,and humiliated not trying to make you feel bad but I have experienced this b4 and it may not seem like a big deal but it hurts especially if the relationship was going well bc she prob never even expected something like this to happen Its going to take a while bc like I said it does hurt!!!!!! just let her know that you care even though she says that she doesn't wanna talk to you she most likely does and is waiting for you to call and come over not saying that shes going to talk to you but right now she is wondering if you truly love her and just remember its going to take i while to regain her trust even if she doesn't mention it beleive me she is watching!!!!!

  2. you totally screwed it up by talking with the girl in the first place! how would you feel if your gf was talking to some guy and flirting with him via email?? you should really apologize to her and do something spontaneous to make her feel better.. i know you didnt cheat but it's still something that was pretty shady to your girlfriend. show her that you really love her and im sure that she'll come back around. it's been a year for you guys and im sure that she won't just throw away the year you guys were together. just be sure to never do anything like that and promise her and do something VERY nice for her. good luck and dont worry; she'll be back :)

  3. Well this has happened to me too. My boyfriend was talking to a girl and maybe a little flirting and i asked if i should stay with him on this same question thing a few days ago. He won me back by confessing, telling me he will never do it again and will come to me for everything and will give me 100% from now on. But we been together for 6 years compared to your 1 so i wasnt about to give up 6 years for something kind of small. He just needed an outlet and found good advice in this girl and he never even knew her...they just talked over the phone cuz she called and got the wrong number and it turned into this little friendship.

    Anyways my best advice as a girl is to tell her u screwed up but you didnt INTEND bad and you just needed advice. You tell her that if she stays that you will never do this to her and you will give her 100% from now on. She feels betrayed and feels like she cant trust you so you have to build that in her. But let it come from your heart.

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