
How can i get better at boxing and punch harder?

by Guest58013  |  earlier

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yea i need to get better at boxing and punch harder cuz my punches are weak really weak people dont feel it when i punch dem yall niggas need to holla back at me




  1. Try planting your feet firm and exploding from the waist. Make your punches short and compact. When you punch the bag you should try to punch through it. The bag should rock from your short but explosive punches. Do not throw alot of meaningless shots. Focus on quality and not quantity. Do up to only combos of 1 to 3 shots straight down the middle instead of wide and looping. Do abdominal work. This creates explosion from your core center.

  2. Been practicing martial arts for over 10years now, and i had the same issue when i first started, but i started a new type of workout that might help you. Have someone hold a bag for you, get into a good stance where you can push forward almost into a lounge. Then puch the bag, but dont pull back, instead push the bag slowly and try to move the person, then bring your arm back. Doing that over and over for a few years, now anyone holding a bag for me get moved everytime i punch. Worked for me, im certain it'll work for you.

  3. lots of practice and practice of the right kind. you may not be getting power because you are punching with your arms instead of moving you hips and pivoting. this is not uncommon but is important to correect and understand your power comes from down up

  4. u need to use full range of motion when u punch, and hit a heavy punching bags,

  5. practice maybe use some practice weights

    take boxing classes

    and if you want my opinion be very fast and know where to hit

    thats the capoeira motto *****!!!

    LOL good luck

  6. There is a practice we used to do in my martial arts class.  Rip out a yellow page, from the yellow pages, and get someone or something to hold it width-wise on the top left and right corner.  Then try to rip the page in half with a punch.  The key here is to have a very relaxed arms and then snap into it.  The more constricted your muscles become, the weaker the punch becomes.

  7. plant ur feet better and people will feel it

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