
How can i get better at fielding a baseball?

by Guest60009  |  earlier

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im not very good at fielding




  1. Plyometrics will workout your entire body while making you more explosive in the process. You will hit the ball with greater velocity and be able to spring out of the seated position and throw guys out quicker.

    I have created a website service that is adding information daily about baseball and techniques and best practices. I suggest you take a look at the article on "Fielding" at and feel free to email me with any questions at This is a professional service that I provide for the public so that we can educate kids just like you who are trying to pursure their dreams. Good luck and hope to hear from you.

    - The Professor

  2. practice, practice, and practice.

    ..and when you're done, practice again.

  3. Just have someone throw grounders to you every way for as long until it is automatic. Do the same with fly balls

  4. get grounders hit to you, stay low to the ground, have "soft" hands and just play catch more

  5. Have someone hit grounders to you. That's what I did.  

  6. i have been playing softball (evevn though it isnt the same ) for 9 1/2 years. i would just suggest PRACTICE thats the only way to get better. get someone to throw u some grounders and pop ups. Practice makes perfect.

  7. get ozzie smiths instructional video!!! He kinda knew what he was doing. That and get whoever you can to hit you hundreds of ground balls a day!

  8. you can do what the first person said or also grab a bucket full of baseballs and have some hit them to you for a couple hrs, practice makes perfect, but if you wanna know the techniques of how to stand, which way your glove should go, then theres books you can read at Borders or Barnes & Noble that will give you the basics, once you know the basics all you gotta do is practice, practice, practice

  9. here's what i reccomend u practice:

    1. start fielding SLOW balls with one hand. then use two hands.

    2. start using a paddle and have them hit  a little harder.

    3. use a glove and just keep praciticing

  10. throw a tennis ball against a wall outside and catch it barehanded dont use a glove...

  11. for fly balls get someone to hit tennis balls to you off of a tennis racket and try to catch them and not drop them, for grounders get someone to hit you grounders on the actual baseball diamond, and watch a lot of baseball and learn where to throw the ball and when

  12. Sounds crazy but just have someone hit you baseballs over and over again at the different infield positions and make sure you are doing it to your left and right. While doing so buy your self one of those very little t ball mitts that a 5 or 6 year old would use as it will force you to make the plays with a smaller surface to work with. practice makes perfect. Be careful though that you are not doing too much throwing while taking 250 ground balls in a short period of time, you do not wnat to get a sore arm.


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