
How can i get better at fighting??

by  |  earlier

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what i want to focus on is getting faster kicks and more powerful kicks, also i would like to get more powerful punches and to get quicker for a fight. i want to be so quick that my opponent will never anticipate my next move.




  1. lol u watch too much cartoon.......

    go join the wresting team or something

  2. well sweety if you want to get better at fighting and be unpredictable when you are fighting .. first of all do one thing .. when you are practising just focus on what is your strenght it's your kicks or punches and anything else .. then try to improve it as much as you can .. and so far you want to dodge your opponent is the easiest trick you just gotta do it a little fast but practice makes a man perfect .. lets suppose you are better at kicks .. so when you are fighting bring your left foot up and when your opponent will block his left side of the body just jump and kick with your right foot or kick .. or act like your are going to punch with the right and move your right hand and when your right hand is in the halfway punch with the left in his or her face and use your right to attack his stomach ribs or anywhere you can .. or do the opposite use the left and do punch with the right .. well sweety i am not a teacher to elaborate my point thorougly here .. but this is what i learnt from my own experience and it works all day and everyday and don't lose your temper and don't get mad and always hold your breath when you are fighting because when you are not breathing the level of shock while you suddenly get hit by your opponent does not hurt you much as it is supposed to and keep thinking and DON'T KEEP YOUR EYES OFF OF YOU OPPONENT AND OBSERVE WHICH TECHNIQUES YOUR OPPONENT IS REPEATING .. try it i guess it will work out last but not the least .. YOU CAN ONLY DEFEAT YOUR OPPONENT IF YOU KNOW HOW TO DEFEAT YOURSELF .. think black and negative when you are fighting .. because when you are fighting it's only you and your opponent in this universe .. no one else is there to help you ..

  3. do weight training, bag training and running in the morning. concentrate on strength and power and endurance.

    At night time, train skills, techniques, sparring.

    1.5 to 2 hours in the morning

    and 1.5 to 2 hours at night. And you will be good within a year. And really good within 2 years.

    Make sure, you have the best master/instructor.

    Make sure you have quality people to spar with. Progression, once you are increased sparring skills, you need better sparring partners. Best to spar with different people in the class.  Make sure, you have an attitude to improve yourself all the time. Today's training must be better than yesterday and tomorrow's training must be better than today. Don't forget to learn tactics to be a smart fighter.

  4. I use ankle weights when I kick during trainning, Also knowing how to kick is helpful as far as using your body weight and turning your hips into your kick will help you get power. same thing for punches hold five pound dumbells when you punch and use your hips and body weight. For speed I do alot of wind sprints with a weighted vest.

  5. Stop using your face as a punching bag!

  6. go into karate class

  7. Practice! Start working out with a MMA group.

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