
How can i get better at freestyling?

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How can i get better at freestyling?




  1. take this from a proffesional swimmer dont swim like a duck for number 1 and swing your arms like ur feet when riding a bike and kick and youll get better

  2. go to D-town!

  3. when u get faded wit me ill show u some raps...underground S**t....

  4. try the  pencil drill hold a pencil in one hand and drag your fingers across the water and then grab the pencil do a 300 like 3 to 4 times a week

  5. ask a coach... idk give more detail

  6. what distance? it all depends

  7. make sure u are always kicking when u do freestyle when u move yours arms have your hands closed and don't have your fingers spred out when u hit the water with your hands and with your head u move it to the side take a breath then back down and just keep doing that this might seem easier if u saw how it was done

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