
How can i get better at push ups?

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im really bad at push ups; i can hardly do ONE!

so how can i get better at them?




  1. try starting out by doing wall pushes.  Like a push up instead your doing it against a wall.  Gradually over time move your feet aways back until your feel you are able to do push ups on stairs.  Then gradually over a period of days or weeks (depending of how fast you progress) move your hand position to lower stairs until you are doing them on the ground.

    My dad was in the military and this how he helped one of his friends to be able to do push ups.

  2. dont do push ups every day!!! youre muscles will be tired im a yellow belt at jujitsu and i can do 20 push ups a row and the key is to practice but do only as much as you can you can do youre push ups on the knees  do like 10-20 in the morning and 10-20 in the the night (evening) i once did a BAD mistake i did push ups all the week with out resting one day in the week so... you should rest at saturday or sunday if you want and in 2 weeks you will be betterchange trust me...

  3. I hear the perfect pushup equipment works good..  If your not familiar with it, its the grips that rotate when you move your body closer to the ground.  I never used them.  The other thing you should look for is if your form is all f**ked up when you make the movements.  Make sure your back is straight.  

  4. Start with Wall Push-Ups.  Stand up against a wall.  Place both hands on wall up by your shoulders.  Move them out about 2-3 inches.  Take a few steps back until your arms are straight.  Then bend arms and lean into the wall.  Push out to straighten your arms again.  

    I used to do these 3 times a day, starting with sets of 20.  After a week, I went up to 30.  By the middle of week #2, I could do 30 floor push-ups easily.

  5. Start with modified push ups (on your knees) and work your way up to regular ones.

  6. well first, make sure u do the right technique. start with ur stomach on the floor, your feet should be a few inches apart at most, and push up; keep your back straight the whole time. then go down until your nose is almost touching the ground. that's 1 push up.

    to be honest, the way to get better is to practice. do a set every day or every other day. *At first, dont do more than you can handle.*  In your case, try to do 1 when you awake and 1 in the afternoon. when you can do that easily progress to 2 etc. this might take a few weeks.  

    A few years ago, I wanted to do this break dancing move which required upper body strength that I didnt have.  So I did pushups everyday, starting at 10 and progressing when i felt comfortable. when I was able to do 20 pushups, I tried the move and I easily did it.

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