
How can i get better at study?

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How can i get better at study?




  1. I used to be in a situation where I was geting 86s, 87s, and 88s, in all my classes. i wanted to get higher marks, so I made up my own study routine.

    The best way to study EFFECTIVELY is to ALWAYS REVIEW

    Whenever I took notes in class, I always reviewed it during the

    short amount of time you get in between classes.

    instead of chatting with your friends, try to scan through your notes

    during those short periods of time. Although it is not enough time to  really know KNOW the stuff, there definitely is a HUGE difference. so ALWAYS review your notes.

    Then, when you get home, review your notes again

    Read it about twice thoroughly and make sure you understand what you are reading. Then, do your homework.

    homework is a great way to apply what you have reviewed into actual physical writing/math/etc.

    Homework allows you to practice what you have learned.

    And you know how our brain works - the more we do something, the better we get at it. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.

    So, basically

    1. Review inbetween classes

    2. Review (about twice) at home

    3. Do your homework

    if you follow this rule EVERYDAY

    there isn't even ANY NEED to study for ANY test or exams!

    Reviewing everyday automatically helps your brain

    to store the information you are constantly absorbing!

    Oh by the way

    don't spend the WHOLE DAY reviewing

    manage your time wisely

    studying longer does not neccessarily mean you are absorbing more information.

    Make a time table for everyday

    Set time in which you want to do all your reviewing.

    For example, set 15 minutes to review your history notes, 15 minutes to review your math notes, etc.

    I know this method works, because I started

    getting 95s and up !:)

    So good luck to you, and never give up!

    Becoming smart is really simple if you have the determination!

  2. Check with your teacher and see if he or she might allow you to bring a small tape recorder to class and let you use it to tape the parts you seem to have the most trouble with.  If they will allow it, take notes from the taped lesson and as you are reading your textbook, it will make it much easier and clearer for you to understand.  You can also take better notes than you would in class since you can keep replaying the parts you don't understand and ask your teacher for help the next day and get answers to anything you don't understand.

    If there is no seat assignment in your class, you can always sit closer to the front of the class so that you can see or hear better.

    DON'T be afraid or embarrassed to raise your hand and ask questions!  REMEMBER...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DUMB QUESTION!  (YOUR TEACHER IS THERE TO HELP YOU LEARN!!!)

    Ask your classmates for help or try to plan a 'brain jam' (where you and a few people find a quiet place and study together.)

    If all else fails, find a tutor.

  3. Don't wait until the last over your notes from class even if you don't have a test this helps because you aren't trying to study all the material the day before the test.  You don't have to read them long just maybe 20 mins.

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