
How can i get cash now for back support?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently owed $11,750 in back child support. there is a warrent out for his arrest, but his father works for the sherrif dept. in that county and they haven't served in for over a year now. the court says waite for him to get picked up. someone told me that there was a company that would pay off back support then go after the father like a bill collector. has anyone ever heard of this or anything like it?




  1. Get an attorney and sue. if he is a sheriff you know where to get him. certainly don't have him served by a sheriff in the same town or city. You have him privately served.

    If he has a warrant out for his arrest, he can not be acting as a law enforcement officer. The warrant suggest criminal and not child support which is civil.

    An attorney would know how to do this.

  2. Hmm, I don't see how either of those answers had anything to do with the question here.

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