
How can i get clean by tomarrow morning?

by  |  earlier

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i smoked a joint last week sometime and hit a bong one time the other day i have been drinking the **** out of gatorade oand alittle bit of water can someone help me tell me how to make sure its out of my system




  1. Drink lots of cranberry Juice & water. You could also go to a drugstore and buy niacin (take a couple of those with your drinks) Or you can go to a store well they sell pipes & stuff, they always have something there. But it costs about 30$. I did the cranberry/water/niacin thing and was clean the next morning when I took a drug test* Good Luck

  2. Absolutely impossible. What happens is, in reality, it will be in your system for several months. The THC in marijuana is stored in your fat cells, and sometimes it can be re-released and you can become high again. I certainly hope you don't have a drug test at work or something because you're busted. Be smart, wise up and do do drugs.

  3. Weed stays in your system for 3-30 days.  If you're having a urine test, and they're testing specifically for weed, you need to get lucky.-LL

  4. to be honest, it won't leave your system right away, there's traces of drugs in your hair for up to I believe 5 months. good luck

  5. You're screwed it takes 30 days or more depending on your fat content.  Now they check for those "cleaners" too, which don't work in the first place.

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