
How can i get faster for cross country?

by  |  earlier

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i need help and i deas of how i can get uick fast in cross country..anthing will hlp..drills,workouts,runs..please anything





  1. Buy a baseball cap with the peak at the back.

  2. Stopping when you get tired is why you have less endurance than you did or will tomorrow. Increasing you endurance means you have to breath heavier, and sometimes break a sweat if the outdoor weather allows it. You will see results when you get tired keep that pace or a pace fast enough to make you breath hard for 10% further [ I'm guessing here : do not know how fast you run etc. . .] You may have sore legs the next day. A bit I hope but not crippling. In a two days do it again. When this distance of tiring your lungs out stops then increase the distance, or lift you knees higher to increase the resistance of running. You will feel muscles tightening. Go until they are almost to heavy to lift. Rest walk some. You can exercise your lower legs by climbing stairs. The same process applies. Go and go till you tire, go an extra 10%

    Hopefully real results will follow in three weeks amd you can run for pleasure and enjoy the run.

  3. 1)run up hills during meets and practice. people will walk up the hills and this will make you faster

    2) pass a person FAST. sprint past them. youshould even continue to srpint a few yards past them so they feel like they cant catch you

    3)check your stride

    4) make goals throughout the race

    5) double tie (or triple) your running shoes

    6) finish STRONG

    7) think of lyrics of your favorite songs

    8)pass often

    9) dont start out to fast or too slow.

    10) STRETCH

  4. Consistency.

    You have to run every single day.  Good X-Country runners run at least 50 minutes a day. You also have to adjust your diet to maximize your potential. Talk to other runners and your doctor to see what foods will help your body adjust to running. The big secret: Recovery. After any workout your body needs to recover adequately. A quick easy way that many top runners use is drinking ensure after a workout.

  5. run a lot if you can handle a lot of mileage.....You can run faster if you have base...get some!

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