
How can i get flexible fast?

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hello iv just started doing mma and everyone in my class are very flexible does anyone know how i can get flexible




  1. There is no fast way to flexibility.  It takes time just as your MMA training takes time.  If you do it on a daily basis, you'll see faster improvement than if you didn't.

  2. Train. It will come with time. I don't know any short cuts. Stretch before and after each class. I have some students say the isometric drills are helping with flexibility Other students say it isn't helping. My experience watching my students is that some take longer to get there than others of equal commitment. Keep on course you will get to your personal best.

  3. Yes!!!  but not fast but around about  6mths

    If you have the desire to become so.

    When I was 18yrs old I joined Shukokai Karate and what helped me achieve the box splits and excellent kicking ability was not my club training but following the complete range of exercises and kicking techniques in this book way back in 1981 was the art of stretching and kicking by james lew.

    I believe these days there is a dvd version ,I personally trained using this book for 2hrs each day for 6 months and  I  achieved the box splits.

    hope this helps best wishes :)***

  4. Just strech all the time. If you are from 2 to 11 you can get very flexible very fast, but if your are older it gets alo harder. Here islist of streches(pictures) that may help you.

  5. Not a proper answer, but I just found some info on different types of stretching, may be of use to you.

  6. There's no shortcut. You have to stretch everyday.

  7. Stretching.

    Stretch a good 20 min. after class everyday, you won't become flexible fast, it takes time.

  8. Yes, by stretching during tv breaks.  The only way to get flexible is to stretch, slowly, using your bodyweight.  When you're watching tv, just sit on the floor, get the legs working and stretch.  Stand up, form a triangle with your legs and work towards stretching to each knee and the center alternately.

    There are alot of stretchng exercises you can do while vegging, so just do 'em.

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