
How can i get good marks in my x class???????????

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How can i get good marks in my x class???????????




  1. Find the treasure quick.

  2. see.....there are a few points to take care of......

    firstly, keep in close touch with mathematics throughout the year......never lose touch with maths.....

    secondly, for subjects like social science and science, it is really important to read your textbook prperly........and many times over.....

    thirdly, see the last five year question papers........solve them, observe them closely.....they give  a lot of clue to the thinking of the questionpaper setters.....

    and yes....dont take board exams seriously........instead take the preparation that u dont feel nervous at the examinations......

  3. First and foremost be positive and stop thinking too much because I'm sure you are a winner and if you are going to concentrate on your goals, you are sure to succeed!However, in case you need any help or extra coaching do visit the site you know,  the saying"God helps those who help themselves".Cheer up  smile and nothing can stop you! Best of luck.

  4. Concentrate in Studies alone. No Boys/Girls attention. Also for some relaxation, music, games. 5hours/day you must study. Cover 3 subjects per day. Don't roam outside in holidays. Make it also useful. Plan & Execute. Rock your school!!! If not you, then who??

  5. Try to grab the subject by attending maximum classes and be regular in studying and learning Social Studies and keep in touch with Maths throughout the year. And relax as much as you can to keep your mind cool. Do not take too much tension as it is just 10th only there are many phases later on where you need to worry. Bye And Best of luck for your future. Bye!

  6. just study, study & study (by using ur brain)

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