someone at the yard where my ponies are stabled went on a hack with her new horse yesterday. she had to cut it short because the girl who was out with her noticed that the horse (Poppy) was lame. She didn't even call the vet and i can tell that Poppy is lame in walk. but she isn't calling the vet. i think it may be because either 1) she thinks it won't do much harm (she thinks that she knows it all because her mum used to be a national show jumper) or 2) because she didn't get Poppy vetted. also, i am wondering how to fond out whether or not Poppy has been stolen, as Poppy was bought from a dealer and she didn't have a name. she was bought for a really low price, too, and she is impeccable in all ways. if anyone can answer both questions, i will be grateful.