
How can i get her to let me stay out later?

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my mum is mega strict, i'm 13 and she won't let me stay at the park with my friends later than 8:30 from 7:30 can anyone give me any tips to convince her i'll be fine? i'm tired of leaving before everyone else




  1. wait till your 16

  2. Well Im sure that your parents want you to come home at 830 because it starts getting dark around that time. There are nasty predators roaming in the night. I'd just be glad that they let you out at all. I'd wait until you are a little older and show that you are responsible and maybe they will lighten up.

  3. I sympathise as I was the same at 13.  But I really don't blame your mum.  She's not super strict, she's just responsible.  My parents were the same and I hated it but now I am an adult, I thank them for it.  

    Put it this way, my flats back out onto a large park and the police are being called all the time for assaults on young girls etc.  You mum is just being protective, not trying to stop you having fun.

    What would you be doing over the park at night anyway?  Drinking and doing all sorts with boys?  You might think you are mature and just being a teenager by doing this but I can assure you it's not.  There's loads of time for that, at college etc, not at 13.  Your mum is trying to stop you making mistakes you think you can handle, but if they actually happened you wouldn't.

    Seriously, I don't want to be patronising, I don't mean to be.  

    Can't you compromise with your mum, have a little BBQ at yours or something?  My parents had my friends over often and let me have parties - I certainly don't feel I missed out as I didn't hang round the park at night.

  4. lol i think that is totally reasonable for your age.

  5. Try asking her to allow you to stay out an hour later just to see how things go. If everything goes alright your mother may realize that you will be ok. Things are just new to her and she loves you doesn't want anything to happen.

  6. No,your mum is right to protect you and one day you will appreciate that fact..When i was 16 and had a boyfriend,my bedtime was 10 pm so had to be home well before..I hated it but i understand now..................

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