
How can i get him out of my head?

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I dont know what to do. This older guy i fell in love with wants absolutely nothing to do with me. but i cant stop thinking about him.

Details...we were casual friends for a while (during which i did crush on him for a little) before we became really close friends because of his help when i went through a really tough time. He was so understanding and caring during that time..he didnt mind it when i bothered him at all hours of the night with something. but after a while, he started making me become more independent. which i knew had to happen, so we stayed close friends, but i didnt need him as much. but then he started pulling away even more. long story short...he didnt want to be so close (rumors were starting about us...he's legal, im not) so after trying to be nice about it, he forcefully pushed me away because, i admit, i didnt listen to him.

shortly after that he got a girlfriend (ironically, MY AGE) and after wondering why i was so jealous...i realized that i loved him. he pried this out of me and then everything go so much worse. every time i tried to talk to him we ended up arguing and again, i admit i blew up a lot and basically screwed up any chance i may have had. but i also know i wasnt the only one who screwed up the friendship we couldve saved. he has a temper too and said some pretty hurtful things. but now he blatantly shows he wants nothing to do with me. he doesnt make eye contact, doesnt talk to me, talk about me, refer to me, anything.

even though hes caused me so much pain i cant force myself to get over him. i dont want to love him anymore...but i still do. and every little thing i do reminds me of him. my phone reminds me of how much we texted. school will just remind me of how stupid he is and that he cant add or spell. i cant get him out of my head and i want it to effing stop!!

this happened months ago. and im sick of always having him on my mind. ive tried so many things but i always end up thinking about him. please help me!!




  1. This is exactly how I feel about this guy Joey.  Hes my one true love and I messed up the relationship and he also got a girlfriend, but he got her pregnant and he completely hates me now.  It was horrible.  And it took me more than a few months to get over him, more like a few years.  And I still think about him sometimes.  It definetally takes some time.  Good luck getting over him.  Just know that there are plenty of guys out there and your still young, your going to meet someone eventually!!

  2. I went through a similar situation, the guy I like is 25 but it turns out he liked me long before I liked him, I just write songs to try to forget about him, think about other guys, it's actually working for me, the thing is this guy still likes me, and I still like him, but he doesn't want a relationship, he just got out of one, he's waiting till I turn 18 to be with me, I'm 17, it's so hard cause I want him really bad too but I'm not legal yet, just get another guy to get him 2wice as jealous, then he'll have to talk to you. Good luck

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