
How can i get him to eat healthy vegetarian foods??

by Guest63506  |  earlier

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my cousin and i are vegetarians but he is not open to the foods i eat like tofu and boca burgers he says they look to much like real meat. all he eats now is cheese and bread.

i dont know how to get him to eat more veggies and vegetarian foods.




  1. I'm not a vegetarian, but isn't the point of being a vegetarian to eat vegetables.  I love tofu, and boca. The spicy chic'n is absolutely fantastic.  If he is not about eating vegetables you can't make him.  But what I do for my family is add spices or grill them.  If he likes cheese, vegetables always go good in cheese sauce, or even fondue.

  2. got BEEF!

  3. Quit being a control freak and stop bugging him. Let him eat what he wants to eat.

  4. Eating only bread and cheese is not healthy, but if all you eat is Boca burgers and tofu - that would not be balanced / healthy either.  

    I can completely understand not wanting to eat meat-substitutes.  If it does remind him of the actual animal slaughter - it really would be nauseating and upsetting.

    Does he like chinese food?  I make brown rice with steamed vegetables all the time at home.  Add a small amount of soy sauce and it tastes just like vegetable fried rice (yet, slightly healthier).  

    Summer time is perfect for grilling vegetables - try using a marinate with it to give the veggies more flavor - ex

    Add broccoli to your spaghetti dinner.  

    Or make spinach or kale, garlic and olive oil with the spaghetti instead of red sauce.  

    You can't force him, but you can make these delicious meals and offer him a bite.  If he likes it, he likes it.

  5. Mind your own business.

  6. Make him read the labels, like on the Boca burgers it says right on them veggie patties and a soy product. Make him look at the ingredients and for the veggies, maybe cook them to his liking with seasoning and what not. :]

  7. Cover the tofu in cheese :)

  8. you can't make him do anything he doesn't want to.  leave him be he'll start trying things if he wants something more to eat.

  9. cheese is a meat product.

  10. His diet isn't nutritionally balanced. True vegetarians don't live on bread and cheese. He's gotta branch out or he's not going to make it.  Start slowly. Fun fruit salad with strawberries, cherries and watermelon, corn on the cob on the grill, frozen bananas on a stick, veggie kabobs, pumpkin pie made with silken tofu in place of eggs, soy milkl smoothies ( vanilla soymilk, banana, frozen berries or peaches and ground flaxseed). Heck, nut butter and jelly on wheat. There are so many wonderful vegetarian foods out there. Get some fun veggie cookbooks and try some of the recipes together. Some of my favorites are Vegan Lunchbox, Vegan Planet and The American Vegetarian Cookbook.

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