
How can i get his number ?

by  |  earlier

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Probably sounds really cliche but i want to get this guys number :P

I see him sometimes in the mornings for like...10 seconds when i walk past. Whenever we see each other we both wave and smile. Hes 16 im 14. I know him cause he used to work with my mum until she got a new job. He likes me and i wanna get his number now she dosent work there anymore. Any ideas on how i could get it ? Or maybe his email/msn ? I dont wanna sound stupid...




  1. You should start with an email/msn.

    If he doesn't have one, just get his number.

    Well if you past by him again, ask him !!

    If your shy, hmm write on a paper with your number and give him when he pass by you again ~



  2. You: "Hey, how's it going"

    Other: "#@#@#"

    You: "We should chat some other time, what's your number?"

    done and dusted

  3. Buy him soft toy, place a card round the toy's neck with the message " Call Me " & put your number on the bottom. Put the toy in a gift bag & next time you see him, hand him the bag & walk away.

    Good Luck. X :-)

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