
How can i get hold of a 'money order' ?

by  |  earlier

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I am in dire need of 4 US money orders,all in US currency of $5 a piece.The problem is i'm in the UK,the money orders are for use in the US as in the end i will be posting them there.I have tried the USPS and asked if i could order one over the phone-they said no.Is there any other way i can get hold of them and have them sent to me here in the UK?I have looked everywhere,my last resort is asking a friend who lives in the US to buy and send me them but i really don't want to bother him.Can you suggest anything or please help?(I must make it clear they have to be money orders nothing else can take it replace them) Thanks in advance guys!Paul




  1. Try a bank.  That's where we get money orders in the states.  Surely at a large enough bank, they should have international money orders.

  2. It seems to me that going to the trouble of getting money orders for $5 each is going to cost you a lot of money. Why not simply use four $5 bills? Remember, a banknote is the original money order - ("I promise to pay the bearer ...").

    If it really has to be money orders and you can't persuade the recipient or recipients to accept banknotes, find someone with a friend or relative in the US and ask them to help. Anything else is just going to cost you time and money.

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