
How can i get in basketball shape in a month? And what can i expect in high school basketball tryouts?

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Last year i did not play as a freshman because i was already playing in a league.i am 6'2 175 pounds and 15 years old, i have a pretty good basketball iq and am also a pretty good player.i think i can make it to the nba but i am not in shape right now and i am not able to control the ball with my left hand so much but with my right am great. Basketball tryout are probably in a month and half and i need help on how to get in shape and and control the ball better with my left hand. please help !!! next year i wanna be a starter in the varsity and make a big impact and i think i have the skill necessary but the left hand thing is really bugging me out, i really need advice so please help. THANKS




  1. Well if u want to get in shape work out. Make up a training schedule and follow it. I suggest doing sprints, lay ups, foul shots. and dribbling drills everyday or every other day. And it helps to be doing it with other people so try find two or three other people that have the same goal and train together. that way u feel like u have to keep up with them and be better then them and then  u end up working harder then u would if u were alone.

    For the whole left hand thing try dribbling around for 20 minutes a day.

  2. well you need your left hand if you want to play in at least college. So just when you're at the park or something, start just dribbling with your left hand. BUT with your head up. If you put your head down, you won't see any open players on the court. To get in shape, I recommend at least 30 min a day of conditioning. Wall sits, Push ups, sit ups, Stairs, it will all help you get in shape. Good Luck at Tryouts!

  3. Ok what you do is find somewhere where you can start practicing right now.

    1st: Work on getting better with your left hand.

    2nd: Practice your endurance. (Running)

    3rd: Do lots of sprints.

    4th: You have to learn not to get upset when yelled at. because coaches will do that to "Separate the men from the boys"

    Just keep practicing and working on your arms and legs specifically.  

  4. No eating fast food- Number one rule. Be aware of what you eat, not obsessively just enough so your not consuming anything that could spoil your training.

    Practice everyday with both your right hand AND your left hand. Go for runs, it helps your sleep pattern by alot. Drink 6 or more glasses of water a day.

    Go see a trainer, ask for tips about the whole left hand thing.

  5. sit in a chair and play video games

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